Z-NAV is the navigation application by INZINIOUS, inc. Smartphones offered.[Z-NAV Introduction]Z-NAV is the navigation (navigation) application by INZ
'Z-NAV' is the navigation application by INZINIOUS, inc. Smartphones offered.
['Z-NAV' Introduction]
'Z-NAV' is the navigation (navigation) application by INZINIOUS, inc. Smartphones offered.
The navigation provides map and directions by using the Google Map.
Very small storage capacity of 1 MB provides powerful navigation.
It is available almost all countries in the world since it uses the Google Map.
[Service coverage area]
All countries and regions supported by GoogleMap.
Some countries include South Korea are not supported according to Google's policy.
[Support MS]
Android OS 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher.
['Z-NAV' main services]
1. It is available almost all countries in the world by using Google Map.
2. It displays the search results of Google in retrieving destination's address.
3. In order to provide the driver a wide range of directions, maximun of three paths are provided and drivers can select one of them.
3. The first and second directional information (Turn by turn) and the distance are displayed for changing direction during the drive.
4. The direction information is guided in voice(TTS).
5. It provides both Metric (km) and Imperial (mile, feet) in unit system.
6. It supports up to two destinations.
7. It is fully interlocked with the Z-HUD (HeadUpDisplay).
[Z-HUD interoperable]
1. Z-HUD is the HeadUpDisplay which has the advantage of allowing drivers can check a variety of information without looking down by showing various vehicle information in the front window.
2. It is is completely linked to Z-NAV by Bluetooth so that it shows the first second direction and the distance to the first direction.
3. When additional OBD cable is installed, it displays the vehicle speed, RPM, coolant temperature, battery voltage, and various information.
4. When getting a call or message during the drive, it is displayed by Z-HUD.
tag - znavigation Z-NAVigation ZNAVIGATION Z-NAVIGATION znavi ZNAVI Z-NAVi znav ZNAV Z-NAV ZNAV zhud ZHUD z-hud Z-HUD HUD NAV NAVI navigation head up display google googlemap mapv2 mobil vehicle